Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Wonders Of Health Class

We're stopping PE for a couple of weeks to do health class. We watched this educational video about a guy who loses his dentures. Then he trips and falls down some stairs. Then he does some kind of a dance... Later we found out our health teacher had accidentally put in his video diary on accident. Anyway, today we had to record everything we ate. Tomorrow we enter all the stuff in and find out if it's a healthy diet. I'm probably going to get a pretty high score, after I only ate a couple of see artichokes. Health class just teaches you everything you already know... "I don't know if any of you knew it but eating food is good for you" and the stuff that you wish you didn't know, "I don't know if any of you knew it but you are some of the fattest kids I've ever seen." After that Coach Bradley started mumbling about, "If only coach had put me in fourth courter..." I got a much more colorful vocabulary after some kid tripped and face planted Mrs. Hamberly's spikey shoe. I coudn't believe some of the words coming out of Mrs. Hamberly's mouth!


Sean said...

Ahh...fucking great stuff.

Reverend Loy said...

Lol... Coach sounds kinda mean.

Billy Lucas said...

Thanks for the comments, and as my mom says, hes not mean, hes strict... nah he's mean.