Monday, October 6, 2008

Senior Citizen Appreciation Day... Again?

Apparently the seniors bus broke down and they had to stay at the school over night. So the teachers decided to just take the day off while the seniors did the classes. In my first class the guy talked to us about how he remembered history...

Abe Linkoln... what a man. Oh I remember when we started colonizing this here country. Har har har har, back when I was 70. The fun me and Benny Franklin used to have... Playing with those kites... and plastic explosives... Those were the days...

Yeah, then when I was supposed to be having math, some guy talked about speaking Spanish. Eventually when somebody informed him that we were in math class he just said, "well duhhhhhhhh!" Then he kept on saying that, "duhhhhhhhhh duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh duhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"
That was one of the best classes of my life. Hopefully they will find a way to get the seniors home. Until then, see ya!

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